Workshop (part 3)
OnlinePush Your Career - Bewerbungstraining für Akademiker Heidi Störr (
Push Your Career - Bewerbungstraining für Akademiker Heidi Störr (
Push Your Career - Bewerbungstraining für Akademiker Heidi Störr (
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Richter, Department of Plant Metabolism, University of Rostock "What it takes to become purple - On the activation of anthocyanin biosynthesis during acclimation of plants to high light" Casual pre-talk meeting of RTG 2737 PhD students and guest at 4 pm in 13-360
Details soon
Excursion to BASF (Details soon)
Prof. Jörg Nickelsen, Molecular plant sciences, LMU Munich "Making and utilizing of the photosynthetic apparatus" (invited by Michael Schroda; pre-talk meeting with RTG doctoral students at 4 pm in 13-360)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lachmann, Cognitive and Developmental Psychology, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau “The multiple-level framework of developmental dyslexia: The long trace from a neurodevelopmental deficit to an impaired cultural technique”
(after the guest seminar with Prof. Thomas Lachmann, starting at about 5 pm in the botanical garden)
Klaske Schukken, PhD in Cancer Biology, Postdoc at Yale University "Transitions from a PhD in Europe to a postdoc in USA" (career advices, difference between European and American science environment) (invited by Zuzana Storchová)
Dr. Jan Kullmann, Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, Mainz "Science Management: From researcher to science promoter"
M.Sc. Eileen Bischoff (Biochemistry/ Marcel Deponte group) "Kritische Analyse der Eignung von Dimedon zur Sulfensäuredetektion und der Relevanz von Wasserstoffperoxid für die Wirkung von Antimalariamitteln“
alfatraining gmbh "Introduction to GMP - Good Manufactoring Practice"