The first retreat of our PhD students was scheduled April 20/21, 2023. It was held in the “Gemeinschaftszentrum” Trippstadt and included a tight scientific program with various lecture sessions, e.g. on methods used in our RTG, a poster session and a workshop on presentation techniques. A short hike through the forest provided a little relaxation in between. The retreat was mainly self-organized by the trainees, under the leadership of their two spokespersons Johannes and Fiorella. Overall, this team-building event made a valuable contribution to the scientific and informal exchange of our doctoral students and we cordially thank them all for their efforts to make this first retreat a success.
During the integrated PhD students business meeting, they decided to establish a “Doctoral Students Regulars’ Table” every second Monday of a month. The first of this round table meetings will take place on May 8, 2023 with lunch at noon in the Mensa.