Guest seminar with Kathrin Ulrich

Guest seminar with Kathrin Ulrich

On December 11, 2023 our RTG had the plesaure to host Jun.-Prof. Kathrin Ulrich from the Institute for Biochemistry at the University of Cologne. After several appointments with some of our PIs during the afternoon and prior to her great talk about “Molecular...
Guest seminar with Barbara Niemeyer

Guest seminar with Barbara Niemeyer

Today we had Prof. Barbara Niemeyer from Saarland University (Molecular Biophysics, CIPMM, Homburg) as guest speaker in our Research Training Group. After an informal and lively coaching seminar with our PhD students, we were pleased to hear her interesting lecture on...
Guest seminar with Barbara Niemeyer

Guest seminar with Prof. Nowaczyk

Last Tuesday, June 26, 2023 we were pleased to welcome Prof. Marc Nowaczyk from the University of Rostock as guest speaker in our RTG. Through his very clear talk entitled “Structure, function and application of photosynthetic membrane protein complexes” ,...